The Academic Alliance for Reconciliation, Conflict Transformation, Peacebuilding for the Higher Education Institutions in the Middle East and Northern Africa (AARMENA) is:  An international alliance of universities and higher educational institutions, scholars, and academies willing to do joint research and build up teaching and curriculums in Reconciliation Peacebuilding Studies as Trans-Inter-Multi-disciplinary Studies and Research for the higher education institutions. Alternatively, integrate the new curriculums into their academic programs in program courses and develop master’s degrees and Ph.D. programs in their educational academic degrees in the Higher Education Institutions. AARMENA aims to achieve philosophical and theoretical foundations for understanding the processes, measurements, and practices relevant to fostering the best-possible relationships in violence, atrocities, genocides, wars, dictatorships, segregation, enslavement, and other crimes against humanity. AARMENA introduces reconciliation into peacebuilding research studies as an Inter-Multi-Transdisciplinary and multi-scale scientific field that focuses on the individual, group, inter-group, out-group, and multi-scale involvements in conflicts.

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