Teaching Methods

Teaching Master in Security and Communal Peace Studies is based on a combination of different teaching methods as follows:

1. Interactive lectures: lectures are delivered according to an interactive manner; asking questions, solving problems, student presentations, and focus groups discussions.

2. Practical learning: in the scope of providing students with skills needed for their security profession, and to increase understanding of the themes offered by the program, teaching of the masters in security and communal peace, depends on practical cases and examples from actual experience. This may include building training models or analyzing cases related to security, rule of law, or communal reconciliation.

3. Co-teaching: practitioners from security sector, politicians, parliaments, as well as specialized academics are welcomed to engage in teaching and training in the program.

4. Mixture between face to face and remote learning; so as to enable partners from out to engage in the program, teaching uses electronic platforms including electronic classes and on-line classes. Electronic platforms are used to enhance learning tactics and to provide learning sources as well.

Student Evaluation and Grading Teaching of the program follows regulations adopted by Al-Istiqlal University; student evaluation is based on exams, assignments, and student.

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